coming soon

Youth courses



06:15 pm……Level 0
07:45 pm……Level 1


06:15 pm……Level 2
07:45 pm……Level 3


06:15 pm……Level 0


06:15 pm……Level 1
07:45 pm……Level 0 | 2 | 3

Current Information

Our Pole Levels

A trial session for inexperienced pole dancers is possible at any time. Sign up for a Level 0 unit offered on the course page!

Bookings are possible from 3 weeks before a date and until the start of the class.

Cancellation free of charge
Courses: up to 24 hours before the start
Workshops: up to 48 hours before the start

Participation in courses, workshops and events is only permitted to people who are in good health. If you feel sick or have symptoms of an illness, we politely ask you to stay at home and recover. Thank you for your understanding and consideration for the health and well-being of all participants.


Our Pole Levels

A trial session for inexperienced pole dancers is possible at any time. Sign up for a Level 0 unit offered on the course page!

Bookings are possible from 3 weeks before a date and until the start of the class.

Cancellation free of charge
Courses: up to 24 hours before the start
Workshops: up to 48 hours before the start

Participation in courses, workshops and events is only permitted to people who are in good health. If you feel sick or have symptoms of an illness, we politely ask you to stay at home and recover. Thank you for your understanding and consideration for the health and well-being of all participants.

Our Poledance Levels

Level 0

Pole Newbies

Level 0 is suitable for anyone who has no pole dancing experience. You can join one of our Level 0 courses at any time to try it out.

Level 1

Pole Beginners

Level 1 is suitable for all those who have already tried pole for 3 to 4 weeks or have completed Level 0 with us.

Level 2

Pole Beginners

Level 2 is suitable for all those who already have 3-4 months of pole experience or have completed Level 1 with us.

Level 3


Level 3 is suitable for all those who already have at least 6 months of pole experience or have completed Level 2 with us.

Intermediate Pole

Tricks & Combos

Intermediate Pole is suitable for all those who can already invert from the ground and have mastered a safe outside leg hang.

In Level 0, you will learn all the basics to immerse yourself in the world of pole dancing. We will show you important moves, basic techniques and the first steps and turns on the pole.

In Level 1, the focus is on beginner tricks. You will learn a clean climbing technique, we build up strength, consolidate your basics and the first floor and connecting elements are added.

In level 2, the focus is on advanced beginner tricks. You will learn to combine tricks and perform them at a higher level on pole. We combine different elements, spins and moves on the floor to create short flows.

In level 3, the focus is on advanced tricks and transitions. Now it’s upside down. We work intensively on the invert to expand our trick repertoire and have even more power on the pole. We also work on longer combinations and flows.

The focus is on advanced tricks and transitions. It’s upside down – on the spinning pole! We work on longer combinations and flows. You are also welcome to bring your own projects: Do you have a shape or trick that you would like to learn?

Recommended amount of visits in Level 0
at least 3 classes

Recommended amount of visits in Level 1
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Recommended amount of visits in Level 2
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Recommended amount of visits in Level 3
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Let’s have an Intermediate Pole Training together!

Level 0

Pole Newbies

Level 0 is suitable for anyone who has no pole dancing experience. You can join one of our Level 0 courses at any time to try it out.

In Level 0, you will learn all the basics to immerse yourself in the world of pole dancing. We will show you important moves, basic techniques and the first steps and turns on the pole.

Recommended amount of visits in Level 0
at least 3 classes

Level 1

Pole Beginners

Level 1 is suitable for all those who have already tried pole for 3 to 4 weeks or have completed Level 0 with us.

In Level 1, the focus is on beginner tricks. You will learn a clean climbing technique, we build up strength, consolidate your basics and the first floor and connecting elements are added.

Recommended amount of visits in Level 1
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Level 2

Pole Beginners

Level 2 is suitable for all those who already have 3-4 months of pole experience or have completed Level 1 with us.

In level 2, the focus is on advanced beginner tricks. You will learn to combine tricks and perform them at a higher level on pole. We combine different elements, spins and moves on the floor to create short flows.

Recommended amount of visits in Level 2
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Level 3


Level 3 is suitable for all those who already have at least 6 months of pole experience or have completed Level 2 with us.

In level 3, the focus is on advanced tricks and transitions. Now it’s upside down. We work intensively on the invert to expand our trick repertoire and have even more power on the pole. We also work on longer combinations and flows.

Recommended amount of visits in Level 3
at least 12 classes, individually in consultation with the instructors

Intermediate Pole

Tricks & Combos

Intermediate Pole is suitable for all those who can already invert from the ground and have mastered a safe outside leg hang.

The focus is on advanced tricks and transitions. It’s upside down – on the spinning pole! We work on longer combinations and flows. You are also welcome to bring your own projects: Do you have a shape or trick that you would like to learn?

Let’s have an Intermediate Pole Training together!

How to book

1. Log in

or register

You can view your credit balance, course bookings and payments in your account.

2. Purchase Credits

in the webshop

Courses and workshops can only be booked with previously purchased credits.

3. Book a class

in the schedule

If a class is already fully booked, you can register on the waiting list and will be informed by e-mail as soon as a place becomes available.

If you are new on our site, you will need to create an account before you can purchase credits and book courses.

With our course packages, you can train without committing yourself to a contract. The larger the selected course package, the cheaper the individual course attendance.

If you are unable to attend a booked class, you can cancel your participation in the schedule or via your account overview. This will allow people who are on the waiting list to take part.

How to book

1. Log in

or register

You can view your credit balance, course bookings and payments in your account.

If you are new on our site, you will need to create an account before you can purchase credits and book courses.

Let's go!
2. Purchase Credits

in the webshop

Courses and workshops can only be booked with previously purchased credits.

With our course packages, you can train without committing yourself to a contract. The larger the selected course package, the cheaper the individual course attendance.

3. Book a class

in the schedule

If a class is already fully booked, you can register on the waiting list and will be informed by e-mail as soon as a place becomes available.

If you are unable to attend a booked class, you can cancel your participation in the schedule or via your account overview. This will allow people who are on the waiting list to take part.
